@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02000274, author = {中根, 由香子 and NAKANE, Yukako and 古志, めぐみ and KOSHI, Megumi and 青木, 紀久代 and AOKI, Kikuyo and 岩藤, 裕美 and IWAFUJI, Hiromi}, journal = {高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学紀要}, month = {}, note = {This study examined the prevention of school non-attendance at the school level based on school life narratives of hikikomori individuals. Emails from 8 0 hikikomori youths aged from 10 to 39 were sent to a supporting institution A for email-counseling. Out of these, 77 descriptions regarding school life were obtained from 39 emails sent by 23 individuals. Eight categories were generated from these descriptions: “poor interpersonal relationship skills,” “failures,” “lack of understanding from family,” “being bullied,” “teachers’ involvement,” “discomfort,” “poor academic performance,” and “lack of goals.” It was demonstrated that experiences in the classroom had a large effect and that currently prevailing psycho-educational programs would be an effective form of support. Furthermore, this study suggested the necessity of offering individual support that contains words of consideration from teachers, academic support, and the provision of information with wide perspectives including their life after graduation from junior high school.}, pages = {55--64}, title = {ひきこもり当事者の学校生活に関する語りから考える不登校支援}, volume = {9}, year = {2018} }