@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02000300, author = {エルデネー, ビンデリア and ERDENEE, Binderiya}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢, Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study investigates the characteristics of two Mongolian learners of Japanese language in their collaborative activities of peer response. The results revealed that during the first half of the interaction, an adjacency pair pattern between writer and the reader took place. Moreover, it was observed that the reader took the lead in the conversation and overall, the characteristics of one-sided interaction was manifested. On the other hand, during the latter half of the interaction, a change was observed in the pattern of interaction and the structure has become more bidirectional. Specifically, they exhibited a balance in the interaction and while maintaining a more collaborative pattern.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {モンゴル人学習者を対象としたピア・レスポンス活動における相互行為の特徴―発話機能に着目して―}, volume = {23}, year = {2021} }