@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02000515, author = {ギユモ, オリアンヌ and Guillemot, Oriane}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢, Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Tale of the Hollow Tree has few scenes where laughter shows an aggressive face as in the episode of the character Fujiwara no Suefusa. This student, who entered Kangaku-in University after the death of his parents, soon becomes the victim of daily mockery because of his poverty. This article aims to reflect on the role that laughter plays in the development of the narrative discourse of The Tale of the Hollow Tree. The analysis of the occurrences of laughter in the episode of Fujiwara no Suefusa reveals that laughter is only aggressive. It becomes the expression of a symbolic violence that reinforces the intensity of the abuse and generates suffering. Far from winning the reader’s support, laughter can be seen as a strategic tool that leads him to feel compassion for the injustice suffered by the hero. This character who is distinguished by his admirable dedication in studies until being called a “true student” finds himself unable to evolve socially. Laughter then takes on an additional dimension by accompanying a critical discourse that aims to satirically depict the abuses of the institution through the persecutions of the hero. The real targets of laughter in this story, wouldn’t it be the laughers?}, pages = {11--18}, title = {物語言説の論理と笑い ―『うつほ物語』における藤原季英の造形をめぐって―}, volume = {24}, year = {2022} }