@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02000542, author = {郭, 麗娟 and KAKU, Reiken and 角田, 彩乃 and TSUNODA, Ayano}, journal = {高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学紀要}, month = {}, note = {In this class, we employed backcasting thinking to predict social problems that could emerge in the near future and asked students to make proposals related to the future society in which they wish to live through dialog among themselves, teachers, and outside lecturers on the kind of efforts that should be implemented cuttently. During the first semester, we invited lecturers with various specialties to conduct lectures. This not enabled students to learn perspectives on social issues, acquire tips on how to make presentations but also afforded them opportunities for self-reflection and enhanced their interest in social issues. In the second semester, students formed groups in which they examined their own issues, summarized them as a single theme, and subsequently conducted a final presentation. Throughout the whole year, students learned new perspectives on social issues. They also demonstrated team building and leadership skills through group presentations and the management of the presentation. During the course of next year, we intend to employ active learning to encourage students to learn independently and develop their own leadership skills.}, pages = {7--19}, title = {2021 年度「未来起点ゼミ」の実践}, volume = {12}, year = {2021} }