@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02000989, author = {黒岩, 薫 and KUROIWA, Kaoru}, journal = {お茶の水女子大学子ども学研究紀要}, month = {Jun}, note = {This study aims to examine whether the factors that are related to junior high school boys’ attitudes towards housework and childcare differ based on their parents’ academic background and to compare the findings with the analyses of high school boys demonstrated in the previous study. A logistic regression model is tested using data from The Second Basic Survey on the Actualities of Children’s Life (2009) and 906 junior high school boys divided by their parents’ academic background into four groups. The results reveal that whether junior high school boys’ attitudes are related to factors such as their mother’s full-time job or their activities associated with housework and childcare may differ based on their parents’ academic background. Moreover, compared to the previous study about high school boys, similar relationships were found, even at different school stages. Junior high school boys who help with housework tend to think that housework and childcare should be shared equally between husband and wife when neither fathers nor mothers are junior college or university graduates. This relationship is shared with high school boys whose fathers and mothers did not graduate from junior college or university.}, pages = {43--54}, title = {中学生男子の将来の家事・育児分担に対する意識と関連する要因―親の学歴層別および高校生男子との比較―}, volume = {10}, year = {2022} }