@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02003519, author = {山田, 真理子 and YAMADA, Mariko}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢, Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Tobias Matthay was a leading British piano technique theorist, pianist, and piano teacher in the early 20th century. He systematized the modern piano technique used by Chopin and other virtuosos (Oochi 2002:20) and established a new method of describing the muscular conditions of piano playing. This paper focuses on his main work The Act of Touch and attempts to clarify their contents and how he arrived at his method of describing the muscular conditions. As a result, it becomes clear that Matthay tried to demonstrate that touch can realized a variety of tones by classifying the states of activity and relaxation of muscles functionally and presenting the tones as a combination of them. Previous studies regarded his theory as systematizing a new method of playing that utilized the weight of the upper limb by means of relaxation, as opposed to the finger technique that prevailed in the previous century( Boardman 1954:118). However, this study reveals that his theory had at its core the use of muscle activity and relaxation.}, pages = {25--35}, title = {トバイアス・マテイ著『タッチの動作』(1903)における演奏論 ―「筋肉の状態」の分類という手法に着目して―}, volume = {25}, year = {2023} }