@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02003521, author = {小河, 映育花 and OGO, Uika}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢, Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Recently, an increasing number of Japanese women remain unmarried. Additionally, an increasing number of young women prefer being lifelong singles. In this situation, it is important to determine and understand what makes unmarried women happy and satisfied in their daily lives in Japanese society. To investigate this point, this study examines the factors that affect unmarried Japanese women’s life satisfaction in detail by dividing unmarried women into two groups, those who have marriage intention and those who do not. Five factors were used for the analysis: basic attributes such as age, economic factors such as income, residential factors such as the city size of the residential city, human relationship factors such as relationships with friends, and work/workplace factors such as Work-to-Life conflict. Multiple linear regression analyses provide three main findings. First, there are differences between unmarried women who have marriage intention and those who do not regarding how the human relationship factors affect life satisfaction. Second, Work-to-Life conflict affects unmarried women’s life satisfaction strongly regardless of their marriage intention. Third, Lifeto-Work conflict only affects the life satisfaction of unmarried women who do not have marriage intention and does not affect that of those who have marriage intention.}, pages = {49--60}, title = {働く未婚女性の生活満足度規定要因を探る ―結婚意思の有無による比較の視点から―}, volume = {25}, year = {2023} }