@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:02004163, author = {畢, 新雨 and BI, Xinyu}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢, Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study attempted to analyze the working conditions of women working in China’s Japanese language service outsourcing sector, with a focus on Japanese company X situated in Dalian Software Park. The research method consisted of a parallel observation survey and a semi-structured interview survey. Between August to October 2020, a semi-structured interview survey was conducted with eight women and one man who had experience in the service outsourcing industry. What is more, from April to June 2023, a participant observation survey was conducted at Company X, followed by interviews with one woman and one man who had worked there. For the analysis, I provided an overview of the Dalian Software Park and Company X, and detailed the work processes in Department Y. Then, I analyzed the fragmentation between regular and temporary employees. After that, I discussed gender-based characteristics of the labor market, which is divided into permanent and temporary roles. The study revealed that non-IT service outsourcing work features a lack of prospects for long-term career development and difficulty in sustaining employment. This is an “enclave” type of labor relationship, similar to the export-oriented manufacturing sector.}, pages = {139--150}, title = {日本語サービス・アウトソーシング産業における中国人女性の労働関係――大連ソフトウェア・パークX社を事例に――}, volume = {26}, year = {2024} }