@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00033528, author = {篠塚, 英子 and SHINOTSUKA, Eiko}, journal = {F-GENSジャーナル}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, Dr. Daian Elson wrote an interesting article in 2006 entitled “Neoliberal Globalization and Gender Equality: Towards Alternatives.” My essay attempts to examine this article critically, especially her alternatives to gender equality. The most important key word in her article is “Neoliberal economy.” This word had appeared from Western discourses, particularly of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. What is Neoliberalism? It is the ideology of the government's posture in which the power of private enterprises precedes an economic and political system. Under this ideology the nation's economic objectives mainly depend on economic growth. As a necessary conclusion, economic unequal distribution will occur against many countries, and also the unequal distribution will contain gender discrimination. Introduction of this ideology could take place anywhere against the background of fiscal crisis. Therefore I think Dr. Elson's alternative, namely the Gender Budget, is limited in its effectiveness. Thus I suggest that we be flexible in our use of the western ideology of Neoliberalism for Japanese capital\ ism.}, pages = {237--242}, title = {ダイアン・エルソン「新自由主義的なグローバル化とジェンダー平等」をめぐって}, volume = {10}, year = {2008} }