@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00034623, author = {Hosoya, Haruo}, issue = {2}, journal = {お茶の水女子大學自然科學報告}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, For a non-directed graph G composed of vertices and edges the topological index Z_G has been defined by the present author as the total sum of perfect and imperfect matchings. The Z_G values of several typical series of graphs have been known to be equal to Fibonacci, Lucas, and Pell numbers. In this paper the solutions of Pell equation x^2-Dy^2=±N for special values of D with N=1 and 4 are shown to give these series of numbers, which means that this is the first graphical or graph-theoretical interpretation of the solutions of Pell equation. In this analysis the Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kinds, T_n and U_n, together with their modified version, C_n and S_n, are involved. For any D with N=1 and 4, there were found certain series of graphs whose Z_G values just represent the solutions of Pell equation.}, pages = {35--55}, title = {Pell Equation. III. Graph-theoretical meaning of the solutions of the Pell equation through topological index Z}, volume = {57}, year = {2007} }