@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00035098, author = {矢部, 章彦 and 薄田, 京子 and Yabe, Akihiko and Susukida, Kyoko}, issue = {2}, journal = {お茶の水女子大學自然科學報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 羊毛洗淨の効果をしらべる在来の方法は,いづれも布を用いており,材料消費,実験規模の拡大等の見地から,簡易且つ精密な研究には適当でない.我々が毛糸を試料として試みた新実験法は,推計学的処理を併用することによつて,信頼度も高く,データの意味を充分解析出来る点から独自の分野を開き得ると信じたので,縮絨,抗張力の変化,着色,風合の変化等,羊毛洗淨に伴う広範圍な諸現象に之を適用して研究をすゝめた.本報に於ては各種構造の洗剤及び洗浄条件(温度,濃度,機械力)の縮絨に及ぼす影響につき報告する., The experimental method employed in the previous study has been developed for the investigation of wool scouring, as it is believed to be one of the most reliable, convenient and economical methods in this field of study. The same experimental design and measuring technique as outlinedd in our previous report were adopted. The effects of detergents and scouring conditions (concentration, temperature and mechanical action) on felting were investigated by means of variance analysis. Following is a summary of the conclusions reached : (1) The scouring conditions produce predominant effects on shrinkage, irrespective of the type of detergents ; (2) The order in which shrinkage is caused by the various detergents has been determined. (Distilled Water)>Nonionic Detergents> Na-Alkylsulfate>Fatty acid Soap>Na-Alkylaryl Sulfonate>(Na-Carbonate)}, pages = {227--234}, title = {羊毛洗浄に関する研究 第1報 : 洗剤並に洗浄条件の縮絨に及ぼす影響について}, volume = {4}, year = {1954} }