@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00035121, author = {Yanagita, Tame Masa and Wada, Tuneyo and 柳田, 爲正 and 和田, 恒代}, issue = {1}, journal = {お茶の水女子大學自然科學報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 1. Discharge-inducing effects of some acids and bases were observed in different concentrations with the penicilli of Diadumene Luciae, and the limit of dilution to be effective was determined for each sort of acid and of base. 2. The curve relating the explosion percentage to the normality values of the experimental solutions was found to be of a sigmoid character for any acid or base here dealt with. Differences in position and form of these curves which were to be found between different sorts of acids or bases, respectively, almost vanished when we turn to the "pH-explosion percentage curves". 3. Conclusion was reached that the discharge-inducing effect of acids and bases may depend simply upon the hydrogen or hydroxyl ions, respectively, which act upon the capsules from outside. That conclusion was shown to be in accord with the hypothesis of "plug-mechanism" formerly presented by one of the authors. 4. The pH values expected to elicit the discharge in fifty per cent. of Diadumene penicilli were shown to be 2.9 for the acid side and 11.0 for the alkaline side.}, pages = {112--118}, title = {Discharge-Inducing Concentrations of Acids and Bases for the Nematocysts of Sea-Anemone}, volume = {4}, year = {1953} }