@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00037709, author = {HUANG, Chang-Ling}, journal = {ジェンダー研究 : お茶の水女子大学ジェンダー研究センター年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, State feminism usually begins to develop or has rapid development under the rule of leftist or progressive governments. Like many other countries, Taiwan’s state feminism is a product of the progressive, or at least relatively progressive government. After the Democratic Progressive Party captured power in 2000, many feminists were brought into the government mainly as commissioners of various government commissions and they actively promoted the agenda of gender equality. In 2008, however, the conservative Nationalist Party returned to power and the challenges to state feminism immediately emerged. Some of the newly appointed civic commissioners to the cabinet or ministry-level gender commissions had little background in or knowledge of the feminist movement. This creates a challenge to the commission-driven gender policy machineries in Taiwan. By examining the reconfi guration of the gender policy machineries and the interactions between the feminist movement and the conservative government, I argue that, under the conservative government, the alliance between the government and feminists, though not completely broken, has become much weakened.}, pages = {7--20}, title = {Uneasy Alliance : State Feminism and the Conservative Government in Taiwan}, volume = {18}, year = {2015} }