@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00037816, author = {李, 麗華 and ムン, ウンミ and MUN, Eunmi}, journal = {ジェンダー研究 : お茶の水女子大学ジェンダー研究センター年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, This review is intended for translation and commentary on a treatise of ‘turning around from coercion to voluntary compliance and its meaning-a practical issue of the concept of sex work’ by Mun Eun Mi and published in Sex Work edited by sex work editorial staffs of Center for Women’s and Cultural Theory in Korea (2007). While a controversy over whether Prostitution is a voluntary choice or a coercion has been continuously rising in Korea and Japan, the author of this treatise suggests that Prostitution should be seen as sex work in order to make a breakthrough in this dichotomous argument and Dr. Aoyama in Japan argues that there should be a middle zone between coercion and voluntary compliance. That is, these two researchers are proposing that their concepts are far more useful and practical for sex workers. Although there are some differences between the concepts, I think that these two proposals are basically an attempt to secure and raise the human right of sex workers. For this end, I am certain that it is necessary for sex workers to gain rights to life, health, and work which they have been demanding and instead of controlling, regulating, and managing Prostitution in the name of law, letting sex workers regulate it voluntarily will lead to the actual improvement of their rights.}, pages = {123--131}, title = {「強制」から「自発」へのパラダイム転換 : 性労働概念の実践的争点 (翻訳)}, volume = {12}, year = {2009} }