@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00037827, author = {升野, 伸子 and MASUNO, Nobuko}, journal = {ジェンダー研究 : お茶の水女子大学ジェンダー研究センター年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, We can see many studies regarding the issue of gender in textbooks, but no one has yet to make an analysis of high school 'Political Economics' textbooks. In this paper, I will try to clearly describe the hidden gender messages of these textbooks. I studied using two means. The first was by analyzing what is described and what is neglected in the textbooks. The second was by using textual viewpoints including gender description research. I regard textbooks as having a hidden curriculum, and I want to make the invisible messages more visible. The results were as follows: The focus of the description is on males. But they are expressed in words which apply to both men and women. Sex discrimination is not expressed clearly, and the actual conditions are not shown. Japanese employment style is expressed as "permanent employment system", "seniority system", and "long working hours". However these examples only apply to males. The people who are responsible for the daily care of the elderly are females.}, pages = {73--89}, title = {高等学校公民科「政治・経済」教科書の分析 : 隠れたカリキュラムとしてのジェンダーメッセージ}, volume = {11}, year = {2008} }