@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00037847, author = {李, 南錦 and LEE, Nam-Keum}, journal = {ジェンダー研究 : お茶の水女子大学ジェンダー研究センター年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, In modern Korean times, when the discourse upon the traditional patriarchal system and nationalism was dominant under the special situation of colony Chosun, women’s motherhood was used both as a “subject of nationalism” and as a “subject of militarism”. In order to verify how the ‘New Women’ resisted against the motherhood ideology with which Chosun’s women had to be faced, Hye-Suk Na’s opinions about the motherhood discourse as a representation of ‘New Women’ in modern Korea was mainly investigated through her novel ‘Kyung-Hee’ and various articles. Hye-Suk Na’s motherhood discourse is not only one of the gruesome feminism cried under the bad conditions such as the Japanese colonialism, the nationalistic ideology and tradition of patriarchy of the time but also a vivid show of how the contradiction of masculine ideology made by a huge power structure of can repress the identity/humanity of women as . In this paper two things are intended as follows. One is to uncover the very strategic feature of motherhood discourse asserted by Hye-Suk Na who overcame the public criticism about the ‘New Women’ that they were self-centered, deviant from nation and society. And the other is to find a way to re-evaluate Hye-Suk Na by reviewing her strategic feminism.}, pages = {39--57}, title = {植民地朝鮮の「新女性」と母性イデオロギーへの闘い : 羅蕙錫の小説「瓊姫」と彼女の言説分析を通して}, volume = {9}, year = {2006} }