@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00038437, author = {佐々木, 泰子 and SASAKI, Yasuko}, journal = {言語文化と日本語教育}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, application/pdf, 紀要論文, 本研究では、体験談の終結部の発話連鎖に焦点をあて、接触場面の特徴を日本語母語場面との比較を通して明らかにすることを試みた。その結果、体験談の終結部の発話連鎖は、「連鎖型」、「非連鎖型」、「ゼロ型」の三つのパターンに類別された。さらに「連鎖型」は、評価先導と相づち先導に、「非連鎖型」は、評価発話のみと相づちのみにそれぞれ下位分類された。次に、それぞれのパターンの出現率からみると、母語場面では、話し手と聞き手が評価を積極的に言語化するため終結部の発話連鎖が長くなり、互いの共感が生まれ会話が盛り上がるとともに体験談の終結の予測が容易になる。一方、接触場面では非連鎖型とゼロ型、すなわち終結部が1発話のみまたは終結部のない場合が5割を超え、体験談の終結が唐突であり、共感構築よりも会話を滞らせずに進めることが重視される傾向がみられた。, In this paper I analyze the characteristics of the contact situation by comparing narrative codas created in the contact situation with those created in the internal situation. The results show that there are three classifications of coda. The first is the "chain pattern," which begins with an assessment or an evaluative aizuchi followed by several sequences of utterance; the second is the "non chain pattern," which has an assessment or an evaluative aizuchi followed by no sequence of utterance; the third is the "null pattern," which has no coda. The coda of internal situations tends to become long and contains several assessment and evaluative aizuchi sequences. Thus, the interlocutors in the internal situation can recognize the atmosphere and systematically bring the conversation to a noticeable apex or climax. On the contrary, the coda of contact situations tends to become short or even leads to no sequences of utterance. Hence, I conclude that the interaction in contact situations is more focused on contact than on empathy-building.}, pages = {33--40}, title = {接触場面と母語場面 : 体験談の終結部から見たその特徴(佐々貴義式(佐々木嘉則)先生追悼記念号)}, volume = {39}, year = {2010} }