@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00038645, author = {平野, 美恵子 and HIRANO, Mieko}, journal = {言語文化と日本語教育}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 本稿では、多文化共生指向の日本語教育実習を取り上げ、準備期間3ヶ月の相互作用の組織化を縦断的に分析し、実習生によって構築されたティーチャー・コミュニティーの実際を報告する。分析の結果、初期は自身の持つ知識や経験に基づき、情報を提供し合う「伝導的展開」とアイデアを出し合う「ブレインストーム的展開」が観察され、それらの展開を経て、実習生達による発話が反対意見を契機として発展・統合し、協働的な結論生成がなされる「発展的展開」が後期に表出していたことが分かった。「伝導的展開」や「ブレインストーム的展開」から、互いを認め合う相互補完関係が実習生間に醸成されていたことが窺え、また「発展的展開」では、多文化共生に不可欠な協働と新たな創造が実現されていて、実習生達自身が教壇実習の前に共生を体験していたことが示唆された。, This paper reports on a longitudinal analysis of discussion patterns among NS and NNS student-teachers who participated in a practicum oriented to multicultural coexistence. The discussions during the 3-month preparation for the practicum were examined in order to grasp the process of their teacher community development. As a result, three discussion patterns were observed: 1) information transmitting, 2) idea brainstorming, and 3) integrative patterns. The information transmitting and the idea brainstorming patterns appeared mainly at the beginning of the preparation, which enabled the student-teachers to become interdependent and build rapport. The integrative patterns were then observed toward the end of the preparation. In the integrative patterns, disagreement triggered the unification of utterances, which made decision-making collaborative. In conclusion, the information transmitting and the idea brainstorming patterns reflect how, in the process of creating their own teacher community, the student-teachers built mutual respect and trust as educational resources. It is supposed that their mutual respect and\ trust enabled them to conduct collaborative decision making, which is essential to realize co-existence in a multicultural society.}, pages = {37--46}, title = {多文化共生指向の日本語教育実習における実習生間の話し合い分析 : 3ヶ月間の準備期間に構築されたティーチャー・コミュニティー}, volume = {33}, year = {2007} }