@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00038785, author = {元田, 静 and MOTODA, Shizuka}, journal = {言語文化と日本語教育}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 本研究は,第二言語不安と自尊感情との関係について実証的に検討したものである。日本語学習者98名を対象に調査した結果,(1)日本語不安と自尊感情は負の相関関係にあること,(2)「日本語での自尊感情」のほうが「全体的な自尊感情」よりも日本語不安との関係が強いこと,(3)自尊感情および日本語不安は,「日本語レベルの自己評価」よりも「クラスでの位置づけ」との関係が強いことが示された。, The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the anxiety of learning a second language and self-esteem. 98 students who were studying Japanese as a second language in Japan participated in this investigation. The results revealed three main conclusions as follows; (1) There was a negative correlation between language anxiety and self-esteem, (2) Specific self-esteem was more closely related to language anxiety than global self-esteem, and (3) Both specific self-esteem and language anxiety were more closely related to the self-evaluation based on the comparison with classmates than that based on their general Japanese level.}, pages = {22--28}, title = {第二言語不安と自尊感情との関係 : 日本語学習者を対象として}, volume = {28}, year = {2004} }