@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00038829, author = {朱, 晛淑 and JOO, Hyun-Sook}, journal = {言語文化と日本語教育}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 本稿では、公立小学校に通う韓国人児童の場合、家庭において母語保持・育成のためにどのような努力をどれぐらいしているのか、またそのうちどの方法が母語保持・育成により効果的なのかを調査するため、質問紙調査と母語力テストを行った。母語保持・育成の方法として、母語使用・読み聞かせと読書・メディアとの接触・母語の勉強・母語での教科学習の5つを取り上げた。これらをより具体的に下位分類して調査した結果、幼児期に来日した場合は、保育園・幼稚園入園後親子の母語使用の継続、小学校入学前に母語で読み聞かせを多くすることと母語の文字学習を終えることが、母語力と特に相関が高かった。入学後は、親が母語を使用し続けることと、母語学習を続け、さらに母語で教科学習をすることが母語保持・育成に有効である可能性が示唆された。, This dissertation explores not only how much Korean families, which have elementary students, have made efforts to help their children to keep native Korean language but also the kinds of efforts they have adopted and which ones have been the most effective. Among the variety of efforts to help children to learn Korean language, the dissertation deals with five efforts. They are stated as follows: keeping children using their native language at home; parents' reading books to their children and children's reading books; children's exposure to the mass media; native language learning programs; educational programs supplemented with study books written in Korean native language. In the period of the pre-elementary school, the analysis of the dissertation proves it is the most effective when parents and children keep using their native language even after the children have entered an infant school or a pre-school and the parents have read books to their children in their native language, and they have insisted their children finish reading Korean alphabet before elementary school. After their children have entere\ d elementary school, it turns out to be effective that the parents have continued to use their native language, insisting their children not only learn it but also learn it with the supplementary study books written in their native language.}, pages = {14--26}, title = {日本語を母語としない児童の母語力と家庭における母語保持 : 公立小学校に通う韓国人児童を中心に}, volume = {26}, year = {2003} }