@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039133, author = {福山, 文子 and FUKUYAMA, Ayako}, journal = {高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学紀要}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, Nowadays the conventional moral education is changing to the one putting emphasis on\ thinking and discussing. The purpose of this study is getting suggestions for moral education\ emphasizing thinking and discussing from moral educational thought of Pestalozzi. He\ shows that moral is individual and autonomous. And he points out the great importance\ of environment full of sufficient tenderness and mutually beneficial experiences for the\ autonomous morals. \ Additionally, problems and arguments concerning the morals suggest the following two\ points;\ ・It is important to let students discuss on their own initiative and to express their own\ opinions instead of making them reach to a correct answer .\ ・The way of evaluation of the morals has to be examined closely which does not impede\ students’ subjectivity.\ Therefore it would be necessary to organize the circumstance in which to think and discuss\ freely and to examine the way of evaluation.}, pages = {30--38}, title = {「考え・議論する道徳」へ向けて : ペスタロッチの道徳教育思想を手掛かりとして-}, volume = {7}, year = {2016} }