@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039172, author = {吉武, 尚美 and 松浦, 素子 and 菅原, ますみ and YOSHITAKE, Naom and MATSUURA, Motoko and SUGAWARA, Masumi}, journal = {高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学教育機構紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, The present study examined a causal relationship between epistemic curiosity and perceived understanding of core subjects, i.e., Japanese, English, social studies, mathematics, and natural science in high school students. The study utilized a two-year panel data collected under Ochanomizu high-school/university joint education program. A sample of 144 female high school students participated in the two measurement occasions. Structural equation modeling was employed to test five cross-lagged effect models of the reciprocal causal relationship between the curiosity in and understanding of the subjects. Results indicated that the relationship varied depending on the subject. Curiosity in social studies showed statistically significant positive effects on subsequent perceived understanding of the subject whereas higher levels of understanding in mathematics and natural science led to an increase in curiosity in the subjects. However, any causal relations were indicated in Japanese and English. The implications of these findings are discussed.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {教科に対する知的好奇心と理解度の因果関係 : 高大連携プログラムの基礎調査データによる検証}, volume = {4}, year = {2014} }