@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039202, author = {石田, 千晃 and ISHIDA, Chiaki}, journal = {高等教育と学生支援 : お茶の水女子大学教育機構紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, The aim of this paper is to examine the possibilities and limits of learning support activity with ICT in a university setting. I then consider the way of providing an environment, which generates a worthwhile connection between an offline and an online learning activity. Firstly, I reviewed the presentations and materials of the "Forum for Research of University Education" that I attended in March 2010 at Kyoto University. Learning from the former practices of other universities, I mapped the needs of learning support activity with ICT in Ochanomizu university. Secondly, I described the process of the design, plan, and operation of ICT in an experimental environment, developed by the Center for Research and Development of Education at Ochanomizu university. We applied “Plone” as an ICT environment, which is one of the open source Content Management Systems. From the practice of faculty who provided various materials and from the opinions of students who used Plone to submit their own papers and to utilize a group discussion system, I examined the effect of learning support activity.}, pages = {1--18}, title = {ICTを活用した学修支援の意義 : Ploneを使った実践と運用を例に}, volume = {1}, year = {2011} }