@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039310, author = {堀之内, 敏恵 and HORINOUCHI, Toshie}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, The 1930s was a time in which intervention in education by the state power intensified rapidly, as\ the regime prepared for total war. This study clarifies the position of the Faculty of Law at Tokyo\ Imperial University in Higher Examination in the 1930s by analyzing the appointment procedure for\ Higher Examiners comparing it with Faculties of Law at other Imperial Universities.\ I focus on “the Emperor Organ Theory” Incident which occurred in 1935. It was a time in which the\ Faculty of Law at Tokyo Imperial University was in the most serious situation in the 1930s.\ The conclusions are as follows;\ During the 1930s there was no big change in the position of the Faculty of Law at Tokyo Imperial\ University in Higher Examination. In order to raise a pro-government academic base well-versed in the\ law, the Faculty of Law at Imperial University which was the predecessor organization of the Faculty\ of Law at Tokyo Imperial University was given privileges by the domain-based clique government\ in the 1880s. And it was still the framework of state power and performed its role. The government\ controlled state power in order to maintain the Faculty of Law at Tokyo Imperial University in the\ government framework.}, pages = {211--218}, title = {1930年代の東京帝国大学法学部と国家権力 : 高等試験委員への委嘱状況からの考察}, volume = {17}, year = {2015} }