@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039321, author = {木村, 迪子 and KIMURA, Michiko}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, It.s said that Japanese Buddhism has been corrupted and declined in Edo period. But publishers published many Buddhism books and the people could read them, as they liked. It was very big change about Buddhism. It might be corrupted, but never declined. Now I deal with Edo Buddhism, especially Shingon Sect, in this paper. It.s said that Shingon Sect has been corrupted and declined by \ the internal trouble. Although a few priests, like Jogon, Keichu, and Jiun, made a new thought and published them for the people, not noble. In countries, of course, many priests activated for the people \ lived there. But priests in countries didn.t live and active only there. For example, Funei, who had lived in Hizen Province as Shingon Sect.s priest, didn.t do publish activities in his hometown. His main activities were done in cities, like Osaka. His teacher, Jogon, writing one Buddhism book \ named “Benwaku Shinan” for the people in katakana, he wrote the book in it, too. “This book is for the people in my country.” It says, but it wrote in Osaka. It wasn.t special for Funei but also many \ priests in countries did so. They came to cities from countries and activated there.}, pages = {3-1--3-9}, title = {近世前期における地方在住僧侶の出版活動 : 肥前国稲佐山宝寿院住持普寧を中心に}, volume = {16}, year = {2014} }