@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039366, author = {山下 正美 and YAMASHITA Masami}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, This paper focuses on Mark Nikolaevich ZHIRKOV (1892-1951), who is considered to have been the first professional Sakha composer in the Sakha Republic of the Russian Federation. Native Sakha musicologist G. G. Alekseeva said of “Nurugun Bootur - the first Sakha national opera, composed by M. N. Zhirkov with G. I. Litinskiǐ - that professional music in Sakha was established when the opera was first performed at Iakutsk in 1947. Zhirkov also researched Sakha folk music in the 1940s, chiefly to collect material for his compositions; his findings were presented in Iakutskaia narodnaia muzyka (Iakut folk music), which today serves as basic literature for musicians and folk music scholars. This discussion illuminates Zhirkov’s career in Iakutiia and, taking account of the situation in the first half of the twentieth century, considers the context and process which led to Zhirkov becoming “the first professional Sakha composer” after professional music culture was established by the Soviet\ government.}, pages = {173--181}, title = {サハ(ヤクート)音楽の論考にみる作曲家マルク・ジルコフ}, volume = {15}, year = {2013} }