@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039376, author = {雑賀 葉子 and SAIKA Yoko}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, Since the 1990s, the number of countries that have introduced electoral gender quotas in order to improve women’s political representation has been increasing rapidly. In 2012, this number reached over a hundred. It is distinctive phenomenon that the legislated or legal gender quotas has introduced in post-conflict reconstruction in Asia and Africa since 2000. This article analyzes the significance of gender quotas and the challenges faced by countries introducing them in post-conflict reconstruction. East Timor is used as a case study. This analysis finds that gender quotas have a positive significance in post-conflict societies. However, since gender quotas are controversial, it is important and necessary to hold wide-ranging discussions to determine the most appropriate way, paying due consideration to free and fair elections among NGO and politicians. It is preferable to seek assistance from the Electoral Assistance Division of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs. The international community would need to provide assistance to formulate and facilitate these discussions. At the same time, the international community would need to demonstrate that without the women’s political participation, democracy could never be established. Further research area would be to examine the long-term impacts of gender quotas in post-conflict societies.}, pages = {271--279}, title = {紛争後復興期におけるジェンダー・クォータ制導入の意義と課題 : 東ティモールを事例に}, volume = {15}, year = {2013} }