@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039478, author = {斎藤, 真希 and SAITO, Maki}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, Shinran explained death as being reborn in Pure Land. Rebirth in Pure Land is a complete\\r\\\ disappearance of the self because the essential factor of it is death. The self is a result of discriminating thought. So a complete disappearance of the self means an eternal return to the ultimate reality. Rebirth in Pure Land is a complete disappearance of the self and an eternal return to the ultimate reality. And it is the essential structure of death. But death doesn’t have this meaning for many people. Ordinary people are ignorant of the structure of death because they don’t know the relation between the ultimate reality and discriminating thought. This ignorance is changed by Faith and Nembutsu. Faith and Nembutsu is a moment appearance of the ultimate reality in this life. Through Faith and Nembutsu people become aware of both of the ultimate reality and discriminating thought. Such people also recognize the structure of death. And they become to believe that to die is to be reborn in Pure Land. So rebirth in Pure Land is the essential structure of death which is revealed by Faith and Nembutsu for Shinran.}, pages = {83--90}, title = {親鸞における死と往生}, volume = {12}, year = {2010} }