@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00039503, author = {川島, 亜紀子 and KAWASHIMA, Akiko}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, This paper examines the role that attributions produced by both a child and a parent play in explaining the child's school adaptation. Parents and children were asked to produce causal attributions related to the child's success and failure in academic and social area. Children's school adaptation was assessed by self- and teachers' reports, and by social nomination. A total of 235 children's and 228 parents' data was used for analyzing the relationship between the causal attribution of success and failure and child's school adaptation. Both parents and children made self- (child-) serving biased attributions for success. In contrast, children made significantly more internal attribution for failure than parents. Regarding the relationship with child academic adaptation, the both self- and childserving biased attribution has positive influence on adaptation. On the other hand, other-enhancement attributions made by both child and parent are related to social adaptation. These results suggest that considering parental attributions is important for understanding the relationship between children's attributi\ on and their school adaptation.}, pages = {325--334}, title = {小学生の学校適応と成功―失敗についての原因帰属との関連 : 親子の認知的評価に着目して}, volume = {12}, year = {2010} }