@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00040488, author = {知脇, 希 and CHIWAKI, Nozomi and ちわき, のぞみ}, journal = {生活社会科学研究}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 日本では未婚子の親との同居が多く,未婚子が介護を担う可能性が増してい\ る.しかし,介護が就業に与える影響を未婚子で分析したものは少ない.このた\ め,親と同居している未婚子を対象に,介護の必要度を考慮した介護の就業抑制\ 効果,要介護認定の有無から介護保険の就業促進効果を分析し,男女で比較した.\ データは平成19年,22年国民生活基礎調査匿名データAを使用した.親と同\ 居している35 ~ 59歳未婚子のうち,65歳以上のものがいる世帯を分析対象とし\ た.男女別に両親やひとり親などの親と同居している世帯の推計と,親に配偶\ 者がいないひとり親と未婚の子のみの世帯の就業関数の推計を行った.\ 推計の結果,親と同居している世帯の男性では,介護同居の就業抑制効果は\ 認められなかった.世帯人数の増加が就業確率を高めることを鑑みると,他に\ 世帯員がいる場合,男性では介護よりも稼得役割が期待されていると考えられ\ る.しかし,ひとり親と未婚の子のみの世帯に限定した場合,手助けや見守り\ が必要な者がいない世帯に比べ,外出に手助けが必要な者との同居は,就業を\ 抑制していた.また女性では,ひとり親と同居の世帯,ならびに親に配偶者が\ いる場合も含めた親と同居の世帯の推計でも,外出に手助けが必要な者、屋内\ での生活に介助が必要な者との同居に就業を抑制する効果が認められた.要介\ 護認定の有無で介護保険の効果を確認したところ,就業確率を高める有意な効\ 果は認められなかった.\ ひとり親と未婚子の世帯では,男女ともに介護の就業抑制効果が認められ,\ 要介護認定の有意な効果は認められなかった.今後は介護離職ゼロを目指す就\ 労環境の更なる推進と,家族介護者支援施策が必要と考える., With the implementation of long-term care insurance in Japan in 2000, care is presently\ provided through informal care by family members and through formal care by means of longterm\ care insurance. However, the number of individuals leaving work in order to provide care\ has reached 100,000 annually. The number of unmarried children living with their parents has\ also increased in the country. The possibility that coresident unmarried children will become\ caregivers has thus correspondingly increased. In this paper, I examine the effect of coresident\ care and long-term care insurance on employment, focusing on households with unmarried\ children living with parents or a single parent.\ Targeting children from 35 to 59 years old, I estimated the employment function for each\ gender and household structure. I performed an analysis assuming the reason for care provision\ to be cohabitation with a person requiring daily living assistance and taking long-term care\ certification to be an effect of long-term care insurance.\ The results of the analysis show that for unmarried female caregivers, the probability of\ employment was reduced because of the support needed by the parent for going out and\ required daily living assistance. The support required by an unmarried male’s parent for going\ out had a significant effect on decreasing the possibility of employment in households where\ unmarried children lived with single parent, although there was no such significant observation\ regarding unmarried males. live with parents or single parent A significant effect of long-term\ care insurance on employment was not observed in unmarried children living with parents.\ Hereafter, revisions to long-term care insurance should be considered for working caregivers.\ Moreover, greater flexibility of work style is desirable.}, pages = {31--40}, title = {未婚の子の就業と親介護}, volume = {23}, year = {2016} }