@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00040495, author = {鈴木, 亜矢子 and SUZUKI, Ayako}, journal = {生活社会科学研究}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 本稿では,職場で旧姓通称使用する女性20 人への半構造化面接による聞き\ 取り調査を基に,近年の夫婦別姓の位相の一端を明らかにする.選択的夫婦別\ 姓制度の法制化が実現しない一方,職場での旧姓通称使用が拡大している.当\ 事者への調査により,対象者は社会規範に沿う形で結婚改姓し,職場の慣習に\ 倣う形で旧姓通称使用することで,意図せずして二つの姓を持つに至っている\ ことが明らかになった.別姓実践者の社会的承認のために,選択的夫婦別姓制\ 度が導入されるべきであることは言うまでもないが,同時にジェンダー不平等\ な法制度一般を改革していくことが重要である., By focusing on the use of maiden names in the workplace this paper explores the new phase of\ women’s surname change upon marriage in Japan. The study is based on semi-structured interviews\ with 20 married women. Although the issue of surname change upon marriage has been widely\ debated since the 1980s, the Family Law reform has yet to be implemented. Meanwhile, the use of\ maiden names in the workplace has recently become widespread. The findings of this study clarify\ that informants unintentionally have two surnames. This suggests that the social norm of Japanese\ society forces women to have two surnames. Considering the results, it is indisputable that selectively\ separate surname system must not only be adopted, but the systems which preserve gender inequality\ must also be reformed.}, pages = {65--78}, title = {「旧姓」通称使用の広がりとその問題点 : 当事者の事例研究から}, volume = {22}, year = {2015} }