@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00040527, author = {岩下, 好美 and IWASHITA, Yoshimi}, journal = {生活社会科学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of gender roles on fathers’ work styles and housework participation. According to a 2004 ILO survey, Japan leads the world in hours worked per employee. Men in their 30'S work longer hours than other generations while women's work force participation rate has been increasing. As a\\r\\\ result, men are expected to be not only breadwinners but also caregivers. The Japanese government is trying to support the transition of father's roles, thus the cabinet office formulated a charter of work-life balance in 2007. However the traditional division of gender roles still exercises power over Japanese society. Therefore Japanese fathers are under the bidirectional pressure from family and work place.\\r\\\ In this study, interviews were conducted with twelve fathers. One of the major findings was that the communication between informants and their wives raised their consciousness of housework participation. That situation also made informants realize the importance of time management in the workplace. Since wives who have jobs are more likely to communicate with their hu\ sbands, it seems that the degree of communication relates to the power relationship between husbands and wives. High husband-wife interaction tends to shorten informants’ work hours. On the other hand, division of gender roles rooted in traditional gender ideology subtly influences the structure of workplaces. Under the situation a gender segregation in the office is maintained and contributes to keeping a traditional work style.}, pages = {41--53}, title = {家庭と職場における性別役割分業―働き方へ及ぼす影響とそのプロセス}, volume = {17}, year = {2011} }