@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00040609, author = {林, 美善 and LIM, Misun}, journal = {言語文化と日本語教育. 増刊特集号, 第二言語習得・教育の研究最前線}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 紀要論文, 本稿では、主に会話分析の枠組みで行われた電話会話終結部研究を概観した。具体的には、(1)終結部の構造を明らかにしたSchegloff & Sacks(1973)とClark & French(1981)の研究を紹介し、(2)彼らの終結部の構造に基づいて行われた日本語の終結部研究を概観した。その際、日米比較・日韓比較を行った研究を中心に見ていき、そこに現れた文化的な相違にも触れた。また、(3)日本語母語話者と学習者の電話会話の終結部を取り上げた研究にも触れ、今後の日本語教育への示唆を模索した。8, This paper is a review of studies about the closing section in telephone conversations, adopting the framework of conversation analysis. Here I mainly mention the following three themes:\\r\\\ 1) Introduction of the studies by Schegloff & Sacks(1973) and Clark & French(1981), who defined the structure of the closing section.\\r\\\ 2) Survey of the closing section studies based on their definitions, targeting mainly the comparative studies of Japanese-English, and Japanese-Korean. (It also mentions the cultural differences which lead to pragmatic differences.)\\r\\\ 3) Suggestions and possibilities for further studies in Japanese language education, taking up a study of telephone conversation by a native speaker and a Japanese language learner., This paper is a review of studies about the closing section in telephone conversations, adopting the framework of conversation analysis. Here I mainly mention the following three themes:\\r\\\ 1) Introduction of the studies by Schegloff & Sacks(1973) and Clark & French(1981), who defined the structure of the closing section.\\r\\\ 2) Survey of the closing section studies based on their definitions, targeting mainly the comparative studies of Japanese-English, and Japanese-Korean. (It also mentions the cultural differences which lead to pragmatic differences.)\\r\\\ 3) Suggestions and possibilities for further studies in Japanese language education, taking up a study of telephone conversation by a native speaker and a Japanese language learner.}, pages = {236--244}, title = {電話会話における終結部研究の動向 : 日米・日韓を比較した研究を中心に(第4章 会話研究と日本語教育)}, volume = {2002}, year = {2002} }