@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004159, author = {中西, 祐子 and 堀, 健志 and NAKANISHI, Yuko and HORI, Takeshi}, journal = {教育社会学研究}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, Studies on gender and education have become popular in the sociology of education in Japan recently. The purpose of this paper is to review the research from 1985 to 1995, and consider further studies on these issues. First, we provide an overview of the findings of the studies on gender and education during the 10 years to 1995. Studies on gender and education have been made mainly from the angle of educational and occupational attainment and female socialization. Research on the labor market, higher education, and secondary and primary education socializing processes and gender differences has been produced so far. Secondly, we analyze the discourse of the studies on gender and education. From the feminist of view, researches in this area so far could neither criticize the androcentrism of the sociology of education nor consider the voices of 'women' completely. Finally, we search for further researches from now on. Recently, new approaches (post-structural feminism) have been introduced in this area. Although we must not forget the importance of former approaches on gender and education, we should learn from\ the post-structural feminism how greatly we have ignored feminism so far. Since both approaches are needed and neither are complete, future studies on gender and education are expected to be made both using former approaches, and new approaches.}, pages = {77--100}, title = {「ジェンダーと教育」研究の動向と課題-教育社会学・ジェンダー・フェミニズム-}, volume = {61}, year = {1997} }