@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004181, author = {岸野, 麻衣 and 無藤, 隆 and KISHINO, MAI and MUTO, TAKASHI}, issue = {1}, journal = {教育心理学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, 本研究では, 授業進行から外れた子どもの発話に対する教師の対応の意味を検討した。5月から12月に渡る, 小学校2年生の算数と国語の一斉授業44時限分の発話記録に対し, カテゴリーの数量的分析と発話事例の質的分析を行った。カテゴリー分析によると, 連想的発話は多くの子に見られ, 無関連発話や拒否は特定の子に多く見られるという学級の特徴が表れており, 教師は発話の種類に応じて対応を使い分けていた。特に割り込みという形式面で外れた発話には明確な注意を行い, 内容面で外れた発話のうち, 連想的発話には無視, 無関連発話や拒否には受け入れがなされていた。事例分析によると, これらの使い分けは, 授業の構造化, 子どもの文脈の許容と活用, 学級内の人間関係調整を巡って, それぞれが必要なレベルに応じて移行しながら行われていた。低学年の学級の場合, 授業進行から外れた発話は, 学習指導にもマネージメントにも関わっており, 教師は両者を明確に区別せず, 揺れ動きながら意思決定することが示唆された。\\r\\\ \\r\\\ The present study investigated a teacher's response to her pupils' disruption of the structure of classroom lessons. In an elementary school second grade classroom (19 boys and 16 girls), arithmetic and Japanese lessons were observed for 44 hours, from May to December (the school year started in April). The teacher was in her forties, and had taught for approximately 20 years. From the observational records, classroom disruptions were analyzed quantitatively by categories and qualitatively by content. The categorical analysis showed that associative disruptions were presented by many children, whereas unrelated disruptions and rejections were presented by particular\ children. The teacher's response was related to the kind of disruption. Reprimands increased when children chatted and disrupted the structure of the class. She usually responded to unrelated disruptions and rejections, but rarely paid attention to associative disruptions. Qualitative analysis indicated that the teacher changed her way of responding based on the level of structure of the lesson, usage of the pupils' ideas, and management of relationships in the classroom. These results suggest that this teacher did not conduct teaching and classroom management separately, but rather shifted back and forth between those two.}, pages = {86--97}, title = {授業進行から外れた子どもの発話への教師の対応 : 小学校2年生の算数と国語の一斉授業における教室談話の分析}, volume = {53}, year = {2005} }