@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004201, author = {伊藤, 亜矢子 and 松井, 仁 and ITO, AYAKO and MATSUI, HITOSHI}, issue = {4}, journal = {教育心理学研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, 本研究は,わが国の教育事情に即応し,学校臨床実践における学級の見立てに寄与する学級風土質問紙の作成と,それによる学級風土の記述の提案を目的とした。学級観察や生徒面接,教師コンサルテーションなど実践的な情報を基にして質問項目を作成し(伊藤,1999a),その結果を,欧米の主力な学級風土質問紙(CES・LEI・CAS)の理論的枠組みと比較検討し,実践的情報と理論的情報の双方から質問紙を作成した。21中学校85学級2465名に質問紙を実施し,分析単位問題に配慮して,学級を単位に分析を行い,グループ主軸法によって項目割付の妥当性を検討した。その結果,「学級活動への関与」「生徒間の親しさ」「学級内の不和」「学級への満足感」「自然な自己開示」「学習への志向性」「規律正しさ」「学級内の公平さ」の8尺度を得た。これを用いて学級風土の事例を記述し,質問紙結果から学級の現状や課題を導くことができ,コンサルテーションや教師の学級経営資料として質問紙結果の活用が期待されることを示した。\\r\\\ \\r\\\ In the present study, a classroom climate scale based on the climate scale presented in Ito (1999a) was developed, and 2 cases of classroom climate described by the scale are presented. The original version of the climate scale was developed from classroom observations, student interviews, and reference to theoretical frameworks and items from the Classroom Environment Scale, the Learning Environment Inventory, and the Class Atmosphere Scale. The revised version of the climate scale was administered to 85 classes in 21 junior high scools (2465 students); the data were analyzed using the class as the unit of analysis. The psychometric properties of the scale were presented its f\ actorial validity was confirmed by a principal component analysis. The following 8 subscales were obtained : "Involvement in class activities,""Affiliation,""Friction,""Satisfaction,""Self-disclosure,""Task orientation,""Order," and "Equality." The practical utility of the scale was discussed in the context of 2 examples of classroom climate.}, pages = {449--457}, title = {学級風土質問紙の作成}, volume = {49}, year = {2001} }