@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004203, author = {清水, 由紀 and 内田, 伸子 and SHIMIZU, YUKI and UCHIDA, NOBUKO}, issue = {3}, journal = {教育心理学研究}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, 本研究では, 小学校に入学した児童が, 一対多のコミュニケーションにおける言語形態(二次的ことば)やきまりの習得を含む教室ディスコースへとどのように適応していくのかについて検討した。1年生の4月と7月の朝の会において観察された相互作用を, カテゴリー分析と事例分析により比較した。その結果, 入学直後の教師による発話の指導は, 発話形態によって異なっていた。入学直後, 言い方や発話形式が完全に決まっている発話は, 教師が丁寧に説明や指示を行い, 児童がそれをそのまま繰り返していた。一方, 考えを伝える発話は, 教師が発話形式のモデルを示し, 児童がそれを積極的に取り込むという習得過程が見られた。そして7月になると, きまりに沿いながらも内容豊かで活発な児童主導の活動が行われるようになっていた。また仲間関係調査, 親に対するアンケート, 教師に対するインタビューより, このような適応過程は, 児童を取り巻く教師, 仲間との対人関係の成立と共に, 朝の会への関心の増加や, 教師による児童の状態の適切な認知により支えられていることが示唆された。\\r\\\ \\r\\\ The purpose of the present study was to explore how first-grade children abjust to classroom discourse. Interactions observed in one first-grade homeroom in April(the first month of the school year in Japan) and in the subsequent July were compared by coding and interpretive analysis. The class had 40 children, half boys and half-girls ; the teacher was a 40-year-old man with more than 20 years' teaching experience. The results showed that soon after the start of the school year, the first-grade teacher used different types of expressions, depending on what he was asking the children to do. Instructions regarding what the children should s\ ay in the classroom were give with polite explanations and directions, and the children repeated exactly what he told them to say. On the other hand, when he wanted the children to explain their own thoughts to their classmates, he modeled the form of reply, and the children imitated what he had said. In early July, after nearly 3 months in elementary school, children became able to initiate child-led activities that were rich in content and active. Additional data, including peer relations research, a questionnaire survey of parents, and interviews with the teacher indicated that the children's abjustment process was supported by formation of a relationship with their teacher and their peers, an increase in the children's interest in homeroom activities, and the teacher's appropriate recognition of the children.}, pages = {314--325}, title = {子どもは教育のディスコースにどのように適応するか : 小学1年生の朝の会における教師と児童の発話の量的・質的分析より}, volume = {49}, year = {2001} }