@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004215, author = {星, 三和子 and 塩崎, 美穂 and 勝間田, 万喜 and 大川, 理香 and Hoshi, Miwako and Shiozaki, Miho and Katsumata, Maki and Ohkawa, Rika}, issue = {2}, journal = {保育学研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, This study examined the thoughts of daycare center practitioners regarding appropriate reaction to crying babies. Seventy-four daycare teachers participated in this research. First, they watched some videos of babies crying in a daycare situation. Afterwards, they were questioned about the practitioners' reactions in the video scenes. Their opinions were collected during a group discussion and analyzed. The results indicated some common beliefs: "Crying infants should be immediately calmed by adults and should include receptive behaviors such as taking the child in their arms and saying sympathetic words." "Demands communicated by crying should be accepted because crying helps establish an affective bond between baby and practitioner." In addition, historical examination of older beliefs suggested reconsideration of today's infant care.}, pages = {153--163}, title = {保育士はゼロ歳児の<泣き>をどうみているか : インタヴュー調査から乳児保育理論の検討へ(第1部 自由論文)}, volume = {47}, year = {2009} }