@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004239, author = {秋田, 喜代美 and 無藤, 隆 and AKITA, Kiyomi and MUTO, Takashi}, issue = {1}, journal = {教育心理学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, The purposes of this study were to examine mothers' conceptions of book-reading to their children and relations between those conceptions and their behavior styles of setting home environment on reading. Two hundred and ninety-three mothers in Study 1 and three hundred and thirty-two mothers in Study 2 answered a questionnaire concerning their recognitions on the functions, and their behavior of setting environment. The main findings were as follows : (1)Two functions were identified as "UTILITY" and "ENJOYMENT" ("UTILITY" : read to get children to master letters and acquire knowledge ; "ENJOYMENT" : read to share a fantasy world with their children and communicate them.) Although many mothers attached importance to "ENJOYMENT" function, some mothers did to "UTILITY" ; but differences were shown among mothers. (2)Mothers changed the ways of reading according to their children's age. (3)There were relations between conceptions of functions and ways of reading. Though mothers rated "UTILITY" higher, their reading styles were seen to promote children to become independent readers.}, pages = {109--120}, title = {幼児への読み聞かせに対する母親の考えと読書環境に関する行動の検討}, volume = {44}, year = {1996} }