@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00042507, author = {葭内, ありさ and YOSHIUCHI, Arisa}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {紀要論文, Ethical consumption pertains to vigilance about our choices and how they affect the environment and influence human rights. This research investigated the effects of spiral learning on ethical consumption and was conducted between June 2017 and January 2018. There were 120 high school students and 90 elementary school students who participated in the research. High school students gained awareness about child labour in the production of chocolates in their home economics course and created presentations that would introduce the subject to elementary school students. After a presentation competition, 27 high school students were selected as representatives. They visited the home economics classroom of an elementary school to teach a session on child labour. Preparatory meetings were held with the representative students who filled a written questionnaire that comprised 3 questions. Afterwards, post-session meeting was also held with survey of 7questions. The results of the each survey revealed that the high school students gained in-depth knowledge about child labour through this teaching exercise. They were also inspired by the sincere attitude displayed by the elementary school students with respect to the topic, and were motivated to take action.}, pages = {203--121}, title = {異校種連携によるエシカル消費の学び ―高校生による小学生への学びの伝達とその効果―}, volume = {21}, year = {2019} }