@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00042901, author = {リ, ジュンソ and LI, Runchu}, journal = {人間文化創成科学論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {紀要論文, Through the view of social constructionism approach, this paper examines the academic literature on domestic violence in China to address the following two main questions: At first ,to analyze the birth and change of the concept of “Family Violence” in China. Secondly, to investigate the “collective representations” of “battered women”, which is the central idea in the research by Loseke, and to verify if the collective representations commonly used in the United States are also common in China. Through the research, we come to the following conclusions:  1. Family violence is not the original concept of China, but a derivative of overseas social problem. As a domestic social problem, family violence was not be concerned until around 1995.  2. Different from American claim makers that is influenced by individualistic values, Most of the "battered women" in Chinese literature are described as ones who trapped by the social structure, in which, the importance of personal self-reliance has been neglected. And those images also lead the concept of victim's self-reliance or empowerment to be far from the central idea in DV support institutions.}, pages = {183--192}, title = {中国の学術雑誌から見る「家庭暴力」と被害者像 ─CNKIの文献分析に基づいて─}, volume = {22}, year = {2020} }