@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004380, author = {永田, 良昭 and 田中, 祐次 and 小嶋, 秀夫 and 宮脇, 二郎 and 春日, 喬 and 篠原, しのぶ and 長田, 雅喜 and Nagata, Yoshiaki and Tanaka, Yuji and Kojima, Hideo and Miyawaki, Jiro and Kasuga, Takashi and Shinohara, Shinobu and Osada, Masayoshi}, journal = {教育心理学年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, The subject of this symposium was to review critically the recent trend of our Japanese studies on human relations in school and family setting. First, it was pointed that in Japan there had been many prominent studies on classroom dynamics since World WarII, stimulated by Lewinian studies on social climate and the trend of democratization of Japanese society. But it was pointed out that the impact of these studies on educational problems have been negligible because of the discrepancy between the practical educational concerns and reseraches. Second, it was discussed that most studies on parent-child relationship failed to conceive parent-child relationship as a reciprocal process necessitating a methodological re-examination for researchers. Here are some another points. (1)Both school and family settings have to be taken as a part of a particular society and the character or dynamic process of the teacher-pupil, pupil-pupil interaction and family relation have to be integrally related to various aspects of society. (2)Researchers must thoronghly study the actual social problems such as the increase of cases of\ suicide of young children and the prejudice to handicapped children both particular to the present educational environment.}, pages = {77--164}, title = {第4分科会 : 人間関係 : 学校および家族の研究を中心として(A 教育心理学20年の歴史と展望)}, volume = {18}, year = {1979} }