@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004410, author = {牛島, 義友 and 関, 計夫 and 寺内, 礼治郎 and 原岡, 一馬 and 浅見, 千鶴子 and 森脇, 要 and Ushijima, Yoshitomo and Seki, Kazuo and Terauchi, Reijiro and Haraoka, Kazuma and Asami, Chizuko and Morikawa, Kaname}, journal = {教育心理学年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, The Symposium I under the title of Education and Educational Psychology as an unified theme of the Convention aimed at exploring a new orientation of Educational Psychology to pave the way for the better future of human society. In the constant changing present day society, it is essentially important for us to clarify the meaning of human development, the aim of educational research, and to reorganize educational research itself. In this sense, educational psychology is expected to play a main and basic role in the field of psychology today. From these points of view, five speakers offered five different standpoints and discussed the significance of educational pshychology. Emeritus Professor K, Seki discussed the meaning of human development in educational psychology. Prof. Terauchi discussed the relation between society and school from the educational psychological point of view. Prof. Haraoka offered the points at issue: how educational psychology views social psychology. Prof. Asami offered a general outlook on psychology of learning in conection with educational psychology. Finally, cinical problems concerni\
ng educational psychology were offered and discussed by Prof. Moriwaki.}, pages = {45--49}, title = {I 統一テーマ;教育と教育心理学}, volume = {12}, year = {1973} }