@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004411, author = {内藤, 耕次郎 and 城戸, 幡太郎 and 西平, 直喜 and 松村, 康平 and 世良, 正利 and Naito, Kojiro and Kido, Bantarou and Nishihira, Naoki and Matsumura, Kohei and Sera, Masatoshi}, journal = {教育心理学年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, Applicability of dialectics to educational psychology had also been discussed at the general symposium of the Annual Convention of Japanese Educational Psychology in 1955 and 1967. In the present age of educational chaos, is seemed to be significant to reconsider this theme as an up-to-date matter for the purpose of reorganizing and settling the educational disputes. First speaker Prof. K. Naito offered a present-day problem of dialectic epistemology and its application to educational psychology especially in terms of mathematics and ine arts. Prof. N. Nishihira also discussed the application of dialectic theories to adolescent and educational psychology. Dialectics concerning human relations by Prof. K. Matsumura and research on the racial problem from dialectic point of views by Prof. M. Sera were presented.}, pages = {49--53}, title = {II 教育心理学における方法としての弁証法}, volume = {12}, year = {1973} }