@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004427, author = {津守, 真 and 稲毛, 教子 and Tsumori, Makoto and Inage, Noriko}, issue = {4}, journal = {教育心理学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, この研究は2つの部分よりなる。研究Iにおいては,実験場面における観察と,質問紙と生活時間調査にとにより,1,2才児の依存性と独立性とは両極概念ではないことを示した。研究IIにおいては,面接調査法により,親の態度と子供の依存性,従順性を分析評価し,依存性の大きいものには罰の厳しさ大で依存性の許容度小さいものと,罰の厳しさは小で依存行動に対しても寛容なものとがあることを明らかにした。また罰が厳しく依存行動に対して厳格にしつけられているものは,従順性が大であることを明らかにした。また,乳児期の母子の接触が多いことが必ずしも依存性を大きくするとは限らず,母子の接触が少ないことがかならずしも依存性を小にしているとは限らない。, This study consists of two parts. Part I The purpose is to make clear the consistent tendencies of individual differences of dependency at early childhood and also to study relationships of dependency and independency. Subjects : Thirty children from 15 months to 35 months old of highly educated parents. Method : (1) Observation in an experimental situation where mother and child may play freely for thirty minutes. Two investigators describe their behavior as it appears, which are analyzed later. (2) Questionaire on dependency, consisted of twelve items. (3) Time table of two successive days recorded and submitted by mother herself, based on behaviors of both mother and child. Result : 1) There are the individual differences of dependency on each measure as shown on Table 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. 2) Correlations between dependency scores or indepedency scores by different methods are not so high as shown on Table 2.1 and 2.2 (r=.01-.44). It was suggested that interviewing could be the more adequate method to know the overall situation. 3) Correlations between dependency and independency are not so high, (-.10, -.24, -.59) as shown in Table 3. Part II The purpose is to study the relationship of dependency, compliance and parent's attitude to child. Hypotheses : 1) Dependency drive will be reinforced if child's dependent behavior may be accepted by parents. 2) Strength of dependency drive will be related to the amount of punishment given by parents once after dependency drive is acquired. Dependency drive will be strengthened if amount of punishment and frustration well be increased. 3) Acceptance of dependency will be related to childen's sensitivity to parent's inhibition. Compliance to parents will be great if parents accept dependency of child.}, pages = {16--26}, title = {幼児の依存性に関する研究 : 依存性と親の養育態度および従順性の相互関連について}, volume = {7}, year = {1960} }