@article{oai:teapot.lib.ocha.ac.jp:00004840, author = {新保, みさ and 赤松, 利恵 and 山本, 久美子 and 玉浦, 有紀 and 武見, ゆかり and Shimpo, Misa and Akamatsu, Rie and Yamamoto, Kumiko and Tamaura, Yuki and Takemi, Yukari}, issue = {4}, journal = {栄養学雑誌}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 学術雑誌論文, 【目的】成人を対象とした体重管理の誘惑場面における対策について,ゲームを通して学習できるカード教材「ベストアドバイザーFORダイエット」を開発した。本稿では,カード教材の解説を行うとともに,保健医療従事者によるカード教材の評価を報告する。\
【結論】体重管理の誘惑場面における対策に関する学習教材として,肯定的な意見が得られた。あげられた改善点をもとに,教材の見直しを行い,今後は一般成人を対象に実行可能性および教育効果について,検討をする必要がある。, Objective: We developed the cards as educational materials called “Best Adviser for Diet” designed to teach coping strategies in resisting situational temptations in weight control. In this paper, we introduce this educational material and report its evaluations by healthcare professionals.\
Methods: A game was played using the cards by 66 participants in workshops for healthcare professionals in the period July-October 2011. After the game, a self-administered questionnaire that requested for feedback, evaluations about how the game is played, the effectiveness of the cards\
for weight control, demographics and any additional comments and opinions was distributed to participants. \
Results: Data from 62 subjects (57 women, 91.9%) were analyzed. Fifty-seven participants (91.9%) gave responses of “completely agree/agree” to the question “Did you have fun during the card game?” and 49 participants (79.0%) answered “completely agree/agree” to the question “Do you think that\
these cards are useful for weight control?” The respondents also added that they would like to use the cards as educational materials for healthcare professionals. They also offered some suggestions for improving the contents of the cards and the way the game is played.\
Conclusion: Respondents had positive opinions about the cards as educational materials for imparting coping strategies in resisting temptations and promoting weight control. The cards will be revised on the basis of the results of this study, and further research to test the feasibility and educational\
effects of the cards for the public is needed.}, pages = {244--252}, title = {体重管理に関するカード教材「ベストアドバイザーFORダイエット」の開発と保健医療従事者による教材の評価}, volume = {70}, year = {2012} }